Customer Projects
Do you have a custom project in mind? Look no further! Acorn specializes in creating one-of-a-kind pieces that truly reflect your individuality. Whether you're looking to replicate a historic piece or embark on a traditional restoration project, we've got the skills and passion to bring your vision to life. And if you're after something fun and unique that showcases your personality, we're all about it! Let's start a conversation about your custom project today – Acorn is excited to give you a quote and get crafting on something extraordinary just for you!
Have a custom hardware project? Submit a quote request today!
Whether you are trying to make an exact replica or match the style of your home let our team make your vision reality

Looking for fully customized hardware? From oversized show pieces to fully function door hardware, we have the ability exceed your expectations

If our stock hardware doesn't quite fit your needs, let us customize it to your specs.

Custom strap hinges are great way to bring your personality to your home. From hand and hammered accents to custom shapes and fasteners design your own decorative and functional strap hinges.

Our Warwick Strap modified for a cabinet and using Tremont Nail Decorative Wrought Head Nails
Custom house number and script will bring the home to the next level. Let us bring your one of kind idea to life.

The Rustic Look

Custom Bell Buttons

Etched Metal Inlay